| "To win a K+B+N v K ending in 5 minute chess then drive your opponents
king to the corner of the board furthest away from the clock" ...Leonard
Barden |
 | When a few of the greatest chess players were asked how many moves they
could calculate: Reti - two, but good ones. Reshevsky - one more than my
opponent. |
 | Steinitz about his chances in the tournament: "All my opponents will have
to play Steinitz, I won't." |
 | In 1939, in a game between Tartakower and the Brazilian
champion, Tartakower fell asleep. One of the ushers touched his shoulder to
wake him up. Tartakower woke up and wanted to make a move so the usher
explained it wasn't his turn. Tartakower complained: "So why did you wake
me?!" |
 | 84 years old Mieses won brilliantly against his 86 year old opponent.
After the game he explained: "It's only natural the younger player wins". |
 | In a tournament held in 1931, one of the best players at the time, who was
also Alekhine's challenger for the championship title, Bogoljubow, announced a
mate in two!!! The game ended in a draw... |
 | Tarrasch: "In my time there are only two great chess players. The other
one is Lasker...". |